Web Trade Panel + Quote Board
No username provided
No password provided
No Trading Server selected
No Market Data Server selected
Select Trading server and Market Data server to be able to Connect.
Connection Status
Type | Server | Heartbeat |
Connected Disconnected {{s.LastSocketError}}
! Socket not matching input selection !
{{s.LastHeartbeatReceived}} {{s.LastHeartbeatSent}} |
Symbol | Position | Qty | Last Price | Avg Price | Profit & Loss | Action | |
{{p.SideStr}} {{p.Quantity}}
{{p.AveragePrice}} P&L: {{p.PnL}} |
{{p.Quantity}} |
{{p.AveragePrice}} | {{p.PnL}} |
Symbol Search/Entry
Quote Board
Symbol | Last | Inside | Open | High | Low | OHLCV | Volume | Action |
Delayed Market Data Loading...
O {{CachedSymbols[Symbol].Open}}
H {{CachedSymbols[Symbol].High}}
L {{CachedSymbols[Symbol].Low}}
C {{CachedSymbols[Symbol].LastPrice}}
V {{CachedSymbols[Symbol].Volume}}
{{CachedSymbols[Symbol].Open}} | {{CachedSymbols[Symbol].High}} | {{CachedSymbols[Symbol].Low}} | {{CachedSymbols[Symbol].Volume}} |
Order Entry
No Symbol Loaded
Change Symbol
Contract Maintenance
Expires | Margin | Maintenance | Initial | Available | {{OrderEntry.ExpirationDate}} | {{OrderEntry.AccountMarginRequirement | currency}} {{OrderEntry.AccountMarginRequirementCurrency}} | {{OrderEntry.MaintenanceMarginRequirement}} {{OrderEntry.MaintenanceMarginRequirementCurrency}} | {{OrderEntry.InitialMarginRequirement | currency}} {{OrderEntry.InitialMarginRequirementCurrency}} | {{TradeAccounts[GetServiceCodeForRoute('Trading', SelectedServices.Trading)][OrderEntry.TradeAccount].BalanceAvailableForNewPositions | currency}} {{OrderEntry.AccountCurrency}} |
Existing Position in {{OrderEntry.Symbol}}
Quantity | Avg price | Last price | {{p.SideStr}} {{p.Quantity}} | {{p.AveragePrice}} | {{OrderEntry.LastPrice}} |
Select BUY or SELL side
Limit Price: {{OrderEntry.CalculatedPrice2}}
Optional Brackets
{{OrderEntry.OrderQuantity}} contracts of
{{OrderEntry.Symbol}} at
of {{FormatPrice(OrderEntry.OrderPrice, OrderEntry.Symbol)}}
Fix To Submit Order:
Date & Time |
Symbol | Order | Side | Qty | Order Type | Price1 | Price2 | Server Order ID | Action |
{{o.TimestampStr}} |
{{o.BuyOrSellStr}} {{o.OrderQuantity}} {{o.OrderTypeStr}} {{FormatPrice(o.Price1, o.Symbol)}} | {{o.BuyOrSellStr}} |
{{o.OrderTypeStr}} |
{{FormatPrice(o.Price1, o.Symbol)}}
{{o.Price2}} | {{o.ServerOrderID}} |
{{o.InfoText}} |
Account Balance
Trade Account |
Funds | Cash Balance |
Available Funds For New Positions |
Margin Requirement |
Account Value |
Account Currency |
Open Positions P&L |
Daily P&L |
P&L | ||||||||||||
{{b.TradeAccount}} |
{{b.CashBalance}} | {{b.BalanceAvailableForNewPositions}} | {{b.MarginRequirement}} | {{b.SecuritiesValue}} | {{b.AccountCurrency}} | {{b.OpenPositionsProfitLoss}} | {{b.DailyProfitLoss}} |
Action Log
Date Time | Message |
Cached Data (Advanced Troubleshooting Only)
{{NumCachedSymbols}} Cached Symbols